Pursuit Student Ministry
”...overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”
Romans 8:37
Who We Are
Pursuit Student is founded upon Romans 8:37, …”overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”
We strive to first and foremost guide our students to know who their Savior is, and know Him personally.
Our students will experience sound biblical teaching from the Word of God, powerful worship and crazy fun games just for the purpose of building relationships and having fun!
Our students will be challenged to know what it means to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our gatherings are a place where our students can comfortably ask questions about their faith and take ownership of it.
We desire to come alongside your student and provide support and encouragement as they journey through their teenage years.
We exist to bring the Kingdom of God to this world through reaching, teaching, equipping and sending young people to do God’s will.
We look forward to getting to know you!
For more information about Pursuit Student, please contact Mark Hernandez at students@thepursuitdallas.com or by phone at 806-231-0849.